Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Stamp Camp Update

I am sooo excited, our stamp camp is on it's way to being sold out!
We already have 35 stampers signed up!
If you are interested, please don't hesitate!
Give us a call and sign up, full payment for the stamp camp will be due on or before Friday Feb. 8th.
But if you call and sign up now, we can hold your spot till then.

Even more exciting news for stamp camp. We have lots of prizes arriving from various stamp companies and suppliers!
I'll be compling a grand prize basket and we'll have LOTS of other door prizes.

I hope you'll attend, it will be well worth the $65 fee, and I know it will be a FUN day.

When: Sunday Feb. 24th from 11am till 6pm at the Highland Hts. Community Center.

I'm planning the projects that we'll be making that day, and our menu is set with the caterer. This is what will be served:
Muffins and Danish
Juice, coffee, tea and hot chocolate
Stuffed Chicken Breast
Red Skin Potatoes with butter and garlic
Rolls and Butter
Broccolli Salad
Tossed Salad
Cheese cake
Cookies and other desserts
And munchies and beverages will be available throughout the day!