Wednesday, January 14, 2009


You know I just LOVE techniques!
So I'm sharing this TJNL Special Subscription Offer with you - be sure if you subscribe you tell Pat I sent you!

The February issue of the Technique Junkie Newsletter will be published in just two short weeks – and it features 15 techniques for the budget-minded. This issue features techniques that use basic supplies to create outstanding, beautiful artwork for your cards, scrapbook pages and other creative work.

You can start your subscription with the February issue – and have issues from February 2009 through December 2009 delivered to your doorstep -- for as little as $16.95. You will have access to those issues on the Technique Junkie Newsletter subscriber-only pages, too!

All-told, you will have a minimum of 90 techniques delivered to your doorstep by the end of the year. Are you already a subscriber, but need to renew? You can renew for a year for $16.95, also.
Hurry, though, this offer will not last long! Email Pat if you would like a PayPal invoice, or simply send her a check at the address below.

Pat Huntoon
PO Box 16547
Stamford CT 06905

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

I know, It's been along time since I've posted!
It's one of my resolutions to be a more active blogger.
I hope to be posting more photos and tips this year.
I hate resolutions, because they just make me feel like a failure when I don't follow through.
How many of you make New Year's Resolutions?